Mrs. Rohini Kulkarni
Really dr Shivani is a Good Homeopath. I had very good results from. Her treatment. Apart from that she has tremendous patience and is a very good listener and counsellor to her patients. I wish her every success.
Mrs. Manisha Harhare
माझ्या पोटाच्या तक्रारी कमी झाल्या ॲसिडिटी कमी झाली पाय दुखणे कमी झाले डॉक्टर शिवानी च्या औषधामुळे खूप फायदा झाला थँक्यू डॉक्टर शिवानी
case of rare complaint anosmia
I was suffering from anosmia... I conculted many Dr and got many more medicine by them but they weren't working on my anosmia problem.. I was completely helpless & upset but there came raise of hope by Dr shivani's homeopathic tabs now I got completely relief by anosmia after taking homeopathic tabs provided by Dr shivani.Now I am completely fine and happy. we must stop taking allopathic medicine and move towards homeopathy treatment... bhakti bhosale
post covid recovery of a renowed oncologist
Very good approach by Dr. Shivani Harhare. She expert of post covid problems. Had she belonged to Pune she would definitely be in Consultant list for my own hospital. Anyway. We wish her a very bright future. Through your Mr. Nitin kaka , be in touch.
----- dr prafull tamaskar
Recovery from Post- Covid effects
In September 19, I was seriously ill, though I was COVID-negative five times, I had to take COVID treatment. As side effects, I experienced sleep disorder, constipation, and fever. When I contacted my niece Shivani, she gave me wonderful treatment and now I am totally fit. Many many thanks to Shivani for her expertise in post-COVID treatments.
- Nitin Harhare
Case of thyroid treated with classical homeopathy also the dose of allopathy medicine reduced
मला बऱ्याच वर्षापासून थायरॉइड चा त्रास असून रोज १०० एमजी च्या दोन गोळ्या सुरू होत्या . ३ वर्षांपूर्वी मी होमिओपॅथीट्रीटमेंट सुरू केली सुरुवातीच्या ३ महिन्यातच माझे थायरॉइड नार्मल आले आणि वजन कमी झाले तसेच बाकी त्रास सुद्धा कमी झाले .
आता फक्त २५ एमजी ची गोळी आठवड्यातून एकदा सुरू आहे तीही आम्ही लवकरच बंद करू असा विश्वास आहे .
- रोहिणी प्रक्षाले